Special thanks to :
Lindsay Hawks, multi-talented artist, who created all the graphics for the app. This is her first work for an iphone/ipad app. We love the eagles!! Her website is www.lindsayhawks.com.
David Fienup, sound engineer, who recorded the eagles talking to each other. We found his work on www.SoundSnap.com. His website is www.davidfienup.com.
Mary Hubbard, Mary Lou Murray, and Kathy Warn, educators at Norfolk Academy who have spent many years working with lower school children. They provided a lot of insight into how to teach math.
Seatack Elementary School and its mentoring program. It gave me the opportunity to work closely with wonderful 3rd graders.
Norfolk Botanical Garden. They provided the photos from their Eaglecam to use on this website. NBG’s website is www.NorfolkBotanicalGarden.org.
Gus Branchesi, a seasoned mobile developer, who gave me advice on a number of development and app issues.
My daughter Ginna who came up with the idea for an eagle theme, my friends who provided support, and my family who put up with this whole endeavor.
Janet Ellis